Air 13 | Grade 5 Curriculum (2024)

4. Air, a Gas:Investigation 13

  • Plan
  • 1. Ask
  • 2. Explore
  • 3. Weigh
  • 4. Make meaning
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Plan Investigation 13

Air 13 | Grade 5 Curriculum (1)

Air is our most familiar example of the state of matter we call gas. We live immersed in it and depend on it to stay alive. It's also invisible, not particularly tangible, and can be challenging to investigate. But, like solids and liquids, air is matter. It has weight (more than we might imagine), it takes up space, and it is composed of particles too small and too spread apart to see. Air, a mixture of gases, shares properties with water vapor, the gaseous form of water that is part of air. Understanding air helps us understand water vapor.

Formative Assessment

Can your students use data to reason that air is matter?

Available online at

Formative Assessment

Can your students use data to reason that air is matter?

Notebook entries contain evidence that students can use their observational data to make claims that air takes up space and has weight and is, therefore, matter.

Air 13 | Grade 5 Curriculum (4) Enlarge Notebook Sample

Use these criteria to guide your interpretation of student work:

Annotated drawing of syringes

  • Does the drawing show that air is continuous from one syringe, through the connecting tube, to the other syringe?
  • Does the annotation indicate the student understands that that if you take away space for air in one syringe, the air has to go somewhere else and, therefore, creates this space by pushing on the plunger of the second syringe?

Annotated drawing of inflated balloon

  • Does the student explain that that when the balloon with additional air pushes the balance pan down, this is evidence there an increase in weight that must have come from the added air?

Next steps might be a discussion of experiences from everyday life that provide similar evidence that air takes up space and has weight. For example, putting air in a tire pushes the tire out as the air fills the space and increases the weight.

Students' investigations of solids and liquids provided evidence that these materials have weight and take up space and are thus matter. Now students seek evidence that air (a gas) has weight and takes up space and is also mattter. This investigation is the first in a sequence of four in which students investigate the properties of air. In spite of our being able to move freely through air, students establish that air takes up space as they manipulate a system of coupled syringes. Through a convincing balloon demonstration, it is also established that air has weight.

By the end of this investigation students will have evidence that air takes up space, has weight, and, therefore, is matter. Students will be introduced to the idea that air is composed of particles too small and too spread apart to see.

Learning Goals

  • Understand that air takes up space, has weight, and is matter composed of particles too small and too spread apart to see
Sequence of experiences
1. Ask the question All Class 10 Mins
2. Explore air in a closed systemPairs 10 Mins
3. Weigh balloons All Class 15 Mins
4. Make meaning All Class 10 Mins

Materials and Preparation


Air 13 | Grade 5 Curriculum (5)

  • Cut twelve 16in long pieces from the coil of clear plastic 1/4-inch tubing
  • Assemble two sets of 16in double balloons. A double balloon is a set of two balloons, with one balloon inserted into the other balloon. Sliding the balloons over the eraser end of a pencil will help insert one balloon inside the other.
  • Press a rubber stopper firmly onto the tip of the balloon pump (See photo).
  • Practice using the balloon pump to inflate and tie off a double balloon. Only the inner balloon needs to be tied. Use one hand to squeeze the balloons against the rubber stopper. With the other hand, use rapid, continuous motion of the pump handle to inflate the double balloon to near-maximum size.
  • Perfectly balance a double pan balance that has an uninflated double balloon in each pan.

Note: If you are unable to use latex balloons in your classroom, see the video Balloons on a Pan Balance online at, Grade 5 curriculum, Resource Quick Links or Investigation 13.

For the class: Air 13 | Grade 5 Curriculum (6)

  • Post the investigation question in a place where all students can see it.
  • Dot Sheet 2 [pdf] (See Resource Quick Links)
  • 1 double pan balance, perfectly balanced with an uninflated double balloon in each pan
  • 1 balloon pump with rubber stopper inserted onto the tip
  • 2 sets of 16in double balloons
  • Balloons on a Pan Balance Video

For each group:

  • 2 16in lengths of clear plastic 1/4-inch tubing
  • 4 12cc syringes

Concept Cartoon

Air 13 | Grade 5 Curriculum (7)

The Air Has Weight Concept Cartoon is typically used as a formative assessment at the end of this investigation.

Notebook Pages

Air 13 | Grade 5 Curriculum (8)

Air 13 | Grade 5 Curriculum (9)

Notebook Page [pdf]

Air 13 | Grade 5 Curriculum (10)

Air 13 | Grade 5 Curriculum (11)

Notebook Page [pdf]

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1. Ask the question

All Class 10 Mins


Review some of the important ideas about ice, water, and particles.

  • When a container of water freezes, or a container of ice melts, the weight remains the same.
  • We use weight to measure and track the amount of matter.
  • When water freezes, its volume increases.
  • When ice melts, its volume decreases.
  • When water freezes or ice melts, the properties change but the material does not.
  • Ice and water are different states of the same material.
  • Condensation forms from water vapor in the air.
  • Condensation is the reverse of the process of evaporation.
  • Scientists believe all matter is made of particles too small to see.
  • In ice, particles are locked together, even when they vibrate, and hold their shape.
  • In water, particles slide past and collide with one another, and take the shape of its container.

Ask students if they would like to make any additions or changes.

Launch the new strand

Explain that students are about to spend four science classes investigating air. When particles are clumped together, we can see the matter and use our classroom tools to measure the weight and volume. When the tiny particles are spread apart, we cannot see them. Water vapor is an example of a material whose tiny particles are spread apart so we can't see them. Air is another example. Air is actually a mixture and water vapor is part of air.

Today's investigation question is:

Is air matter?

Students have measured the weight and volume of both solid and liquid materials, and have established they are matter. Today students use some new tools as they look for evidence to determine whether or not air is matter.

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2. Explore air in a closed system

Pairs 10 Mins Notebook

Before you distribute the tubing and syringes, remind students that if air is matter, it has to take up space. A question is:

Does air take up space?

What positions do students take? Be sure to hear from students with positions on each side of the question. Ask students to make a claim and to provide the evidence or reasoning on which their claim is based.

Give each pair of students two syringes and a 16-inch length of clear plastic tubing, to set up the following system:

  • Set the plunger of each syringe at the middle of its barrel (the 6 cc line).
  • Push one end of the clear plastic tubing onto the tip of each syringe.

Describe this set-up as a system.

What are the components of this system?

  • The 2 syringes, tube, and air.

Do you think this is an open or closed system?

  • Like the 2-bottle system, the connected syringes form a closed system. Nothing can get in or out once the system has been set up.

How do we describe the boundary (outside edges) of this system?

  • The outside of the tubing and syringes.

Air 13 | Grade 5 Curriculum (12)

Have students explore the system. It takes no more than a minute or two for students to explore how the system works. The point is to let them experience a situation in which air clearly takes up space.

  • What happens when you push one plunger very slowly while not touching the other plunger?
  • What happens when you push one plunger very quickly while not touching the other plunger?
  • Do you find evidence that air takes up space?

Collect the syringes while students write a response to the [Does air takes up space?] page in their Science Notebooks.

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3. Weigh balloons

All Class 15 Mins Notebook

The Weight of Air

If you scoop a cup of water out of a large pot you can feel its weight. If you pour that water back into the pot, you would not expect that weight to cause the water to sink to the bottom of the pot and stay there, as if it were a rock. The water from the cup will mix in with and drift through the rest of the water as if it were weightless, because it has the same density as the water in the pot.

For the same reason, any specific quantity of air in the atmosphere appears to be weightless. However, air does have weight. Air pressure, which we hear about in weather reports, results from air's weight. Since we live with air pressure all around us, and even inside of us (e.g., lungs) we do not sense it. Even scales do not sense the weight of air, because they are completely surrounded by air pressure.

One way to demonstrate that a sample of air has weight is to make it denser than the surrounding air. It that case, the sample will sink in the atmosphere. Cold air is denser than warm air; more particles are packed into each cubic centimeter. Open the freezer door and you'll feel the cold air spilling down towards the floor. Compressed air is denser than uncompressed air, with more particles packed into each cubic centimeter.

Why a double balloon?
A balloon resists being stretched, so as it is inflated it compresses air particles closer together, making that air more dense than the uncompressed air in the room. A double balloon offers even more resistance to being inflated, and compresses the air particles even closer together, making the enclosed air dense enough for a balloon-sized quantity to tip the pan balance.

Students may not need this much information. The demonstration speaks for itself.

Air 13 | Grade 5 Curriculum (13)

Remind students that if air is matter, it must have weight. A question is:

Does air have weight?

  • No, you can't feel air and it doesn't register on a scale.
  • Yes, because my soccer ball feels heavier after I pump it up with air.

What positions do students take? Be sure to hear from students with positions on each side of the question. Ask students to make a claim and to provide the evidence or reasoning on whichtheir claim is based.

Air 13 | Grade 5 Curriculum (14)

Show students the uninflated double balloons placed on each side of the double pan balance. Point out that the two sides balance and so there are equal weights on both sides. Next, ask students to imagine that the balloons on one side of the balance are inflated.

  • What will we observe if air doesn't weigh anything?
  • What will we observe if air does have weight?

Use the balloon pump (with the rubber stopper) to inflate one set of doubled balloons to its full size. Using a balloon pump to inflate a balloon avoids adding moisture from your lungs into the balloon, which in turn helps to establish the fact that "dry" air has weight.

Air 13 | Grade 5 Curriculum (15)

Tie off the opening of the inner balloon and return the inflated double balloon to the double pan balance. The pan with the inflated double balloon will move down.

Do we have evidence that air has weight?

Students record their responses on the [Does air have weight?] page in their Science Notebooks.

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4. Make meaning

All Class 10 Mins

Note: Students may claim that air has weight and takes up space only when it is in a container. Does it make sense that weight and volume disappear once the closed system is open? Weight and volume of air are easier to perceive and measure when it is in a closed system and that is why we used the balloons in this investigation.

Use this checklist to plan and reflect. Available online at

Purpose of discussion

The purpose of this discussion is to help students make sense of the results of today's experiences, which provide evidence that air has weight and takes up space. Students may feel that today's results are in conflict with other experiences they have had with air. Focus the discussion on the investigation question: Is air matter?

Engage students in the focus question?

Is air matter or not?

  • Does air take up space? What is your evidence?
  • Does air have weight? What is your evidence?

Claim or position: Air takes up space:

  • When I take a really big breath of air, my chest expands.
  • An inflated balloon takes up more space than an uninflated balloon.

Claim or position: Air doesn't take up space:

  • I can walk right through air. (We can also walk through water, but we agree that water takes up space.)
  • When a classroom is "filled" with air, how can there be room for students to come into it? (Unlike the syringes, the classroom is an open system; when students come in, they push some of the air out.)

Claim or position: Air has weight:

  • When we added air to one set of balloons the balance went down on the side with the inflated balloon.

Claim or position: Air doesn't have weight:

  • Scales don't register the weight of air.
  • We can't feel weight even if there's a lot of it on top of us.

Summarize the discussion and recap the investigation

Summarize the arguments for each position. See if there is consensus for the argument that air takes up space and has weight, and therefore, is matter.

Thinking of air as matter, which puts it in the same category as the sand, gravel, and water in the mini-lakes, can require an adjustment in our thinking.

Remind students of the dissolved salt. It's easy to think of salt as matter, but even after the salt particles became too small and too spread apart to see, the salt maintained its weight and it still took up space: it maintained its classification as matter. This may be the strongest connection students can make between air and another substance they accept as matter.

Reiterate the concept that air has weight and takes up space, and thus is matter. The reason we can't see air is because the particles are tiny on a scale that's hard to imagine and are spread far apart. On a windy day, we have an easier time sensing the presence of air.

Air Has Weight Concept Cartoon

Air Has Weight Concept Cartoon

Learn about Concept Cartoons in the Concept Cartoons section available from the clicking the Assessment tab at the top of the Grade 5 curriculum Home Page.

This cartoon is designed to probe students' ideas about weight as a property of air. Three cartoon characters offer explanations for why it's harder to kick a deflated soccer ball than a ball filled with air. Ask students to follow along as you read the cartoon prompts and directions aloud. Remind students to respond to the pros and cons of each idea. Students' responses will give you insight into their understanding of the evidence that air has weight and is matter. This assessent will help you decide whether the class as a whole or individuals are ready to move on or if they would benefit from a review or additional experience with classroom activities.

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Air 13 | Grade 5 Curriculum (2024)


Is air a matter, yes or no? ›

But, like solids and liquids, air is matter. It has weight (more than we might imagine), it takes up space, and it is composed of particles too small and too spread apart to see. Air, a mixture of gases, shares properties with water vapor, the gaseous form of water that is part of air.

Does air take up space, yes or no? ›

But air does take up space, even if we can't see it, and air has weight, even if we can't feel it -- and both of these properties can be observed and measured. The study of air as matter can be quite complex, but if broken down into a few basic facts, even kindergarten students can begin to understand the concept.

Can air be compressed in a syringe? ›

You can compress it, or squeeze it into a smaller volume. When you push on the plunger you can feel the air pushing back. When you stop pushing, the air inside the syringe will return to its original size.

How would you prove that air is matter? ›

One way to prove that air is made of matter is to blow up a balloon. Before you add air into the balloon, it is empty and shapeless. When you puff air into it, the balloon expands, so you know it is filled with something—air is taking up the space.

Is air matter for kids? ›

Air isn't matter. Matter includes anything that takes up space and has mass. Matter most commonly exists as a solid, a liquid, or a gas. Air is matter made up of particles (molecules) in a gaseous state (e.g., oxygen or carbon dioxide).

What is air 1st grade? ›

Air is a mixture of different gases that covers the Earth in a layer over 400 miles high. This layer is called the atmosphere. It contains roughly 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and smaller amounts of argon, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and others.

Is water made of matter? ›

Not only is water the most common substance on earth, but it is also the only substance that commonly appears as a solid, a liquid, and a gas within the normal range of earth's temperatures. This makes water a good model for discussing the solid, liquid, and gas states of matter.

Does air have weight, yes or no? ›

Yes, air has weight. The combined weight of the air pressure on you right now is about fifteen pounds per square inch. Our bodies are mostly liquid and solid matter; however, we do not feel this pressure since the pressure created by our bodies pushes back on the air harder than the air pushes on us.

What happens if you don't take air out of syringe? ›

Injecting a small air bubble into the skin or a muscle is usually harmless. But it might mean you aren't getting the full dose of medicine, because the air takes up space in the syringe.

Can air escape a syringe? ›

A common oversight when setting up your syringe is an improper sealing of the Luer lock hub of the needle, and the syringe barrel. When this happens, air enters the hub of the needle and creates separation as the syringe is engaged.

Why is there no oxygen in space Kids? ›

On Earth, humans have oxygen to breathe. But there's very little oxygen to breathe in space. Space is actually a kind of vacuum, which means there isn't a whole lot of matter, or stuff, out there between the planets and the stars.

Is dust a solid, liquid, or gas? ›

Dust is made of fine particles of solid matter. On Earth, it generally consists of particles in the atmosphere that come from various sources such as soil lifted by wind (an aeolian process), volcanic eruptions, and pollution.

Is smoke a matter, yes or no? ›

Smoke, smog, and laughing gas are matter. Energy, light, and sound, however, are not matter; ideas and emotions are also not matter. The mass of an object is the quantity of matter it contains.

Is air a gas, yes or no? ›

More than 99% of air is made of three gases: nitrogen, oxygen, and argon. Air contains other gases in very small quantities, including gaseous water, which is called water vapor. Air also contains solids and liquids. Solids in air include pollen, dust, and soot.

Is air a substance or matter? ›

- Air is not supposed to be considered as a pure substance. Because air is a mixture of different gases. - Air mostly contains nitrogen and oxygen in about 78% and 20% respectively. Note: Elements and compounds have a constant composition throughout and can thus be said as pure substances.

Can we see air, yes or no? ›

We can't see air because it is colorless, odorless, and transparent gaseous matter.

Is gas a matter yes or no? ›

In addition to solids and liquids, gases are also a physical state in which matter can occur. All gases have weight. Unlike solids and liquids, gases will occupy the entire container that encloses them.

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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.