9.3 Single Monopoly Price and Output – Principles of Microeconomics (2024)

Since a monopolist faces a downward-sloping demand curve, the only way it can sell more output is by reducing its price. Selling more output raises revenue, but lowering prices reduces it.

Let’s explore this using the data in the table in Fig 9.6, which shows quantities along the demand curve and the price at each quantity demanded and then calculates total revenue by multiplying price times quantity at each level of output. (In this example, we give the output as 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on, for the sake of simplicity. As the figure illustrates, total revenue for a monopolist has the shape of a hill, first rising, next flattening out, and then falling. In this example, total revenue is highest at a quantity of 6 or 7.

Total Revenue
Total Cost

Fig 9.6

However, the monopolist is not seeking to maximize revenue, but instead to earn the highest possible profit. In the Health Pill example, the highest profit will occur at the quantity where total revenue is the farthest above total cost.

9.3 Single Monopoly Price and Output – Principles of Microeconomics (1)

A monopolist can determine its profit-maximizing price and quantity by analyzing the marginal revenue and marginal costs of producing an extra unit. If the marginal revenue exceeds the marginal cost, then the firm should produce the extra unit.

For example, at an output of 4 in Fig 9.7, marginal revenue is 600 and marginal cost is 250, so producing this unit will clearly add to overall profits. At an output of 5, marginal revenue is 400 and marginal cost is 400, so producing this unit still means overall profits are unchanged. However, expanding output from 5 to 6 would involve a marginal revenue of 200 and a marginal cost of 850, so the sixth unit would actually reduce profits. Thus, the monopoly can tell from the marginal revenue and marginal cost that of the choices in the table, the profit-maximizing level of output is 5.

Total Revenue
Marginal Revenue
Total Cost
Marginal Cost

Fig 9.8

Thus, a profit-maximizing monopoly should follow the rule of producing up to the quantity where marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost—that is, MR = MC. This quantity is easy to identify graphically, where MR and MC intersect, as shown in Fig 9.9.

9.3 Single Monopoly Price and Output – Principles of Microeconomics (2)

Fig 9.9 illustrates the three-step process where a monopolist: selects the profit-maximizing quantity to produce; decides what price to charge; determines total revenue, total cost, and profit.

The Monopolist determines its Profit-Maximizing level of output

The firm can use the points on the demand curve D to calculate total revenue, and then, based on total revenue, calculate its marginal revenue curve. The profit-maximizing quantity will occur where MR = MC — or at the last possible point before marginal costs start exceeding marginal revenue. In Fig 9.9, MR = MC occurs at an output of 5.

The Monopolist decides what price to charge

The monopolist will charge what the market is willing to pay. A dotted line drawn straight up from the profit-maximizing quantity to the demand curve shows the profit-maximizing price which, in Fig 9.9, price is $800. This price is above the average cost curve, which shows that the firm is earning profits.

Calculate Total Revenue, Total Cost, and Profit

Total revenue is the overall shaded box, where the width of the box is the quantity sold and the height is the price. In Fig 9.9, this is 5 × $800 = $4000. In Fig 9.9, the bottom part of the shaded box, which is shaded more lightly, shows total costs; that is, quantity on the horizontal axis multiplied by average cost on the vertical axis or 5 × $330 = $1650. The larger box of total revenues minus the smaller box of total costs will equal profits, which the darkly shaded box shows. Using the numbers, the profit earned is $4000 – $1650 = $2350.

As an expert in economics and microeconomics, I have a deep understanding of the principles discussed in the provided article. My expertise is grounded in a comprehensive knowledge of economic theories, including monopolies and their profit-maximizing strategies. I am well-versed in analyzing market structures, demand curves, total revenue, marginal revenue, and marginal cost to provide insights into economic decision-making.

Now, delving into the concepts presented in the article, let's break down the key points:

  1. Monopoly and Demand Curve:

    • A monopolist faces a downward-sloping demand curve, implying that to sell more output, it must reduce prices.
    • The quantity demanded and the corresponding prices along the demand curve are crucial for understanding a monopolist's revenue and profit dynamics.
  2. Total Revenue and Total Cost Analysis:

    • Total revenue is calculated by multiplying the price by the quantity at each level of output.
    • Total revenue has a characteristic shape, resembling a hill, rising initially, flattening, and then declining.
  3. Profit Maximization for a Monopolist:

    • A monopolist aims to maximize profit, not just revenue.
    • The profit-maximizing quantity is where total revenue surpasses total cost by the greatest margin.
    • The analysis involves comparing marginal revenue (MR) and marginal cost (MC) for each unit of output.
  4. Marginal Revenue and Marginal Cost Analysis:

    • The monopolist determines the profit-maximizing output by evaluating where MR equals MC.
    • Marginal revenue exceeding marginal cost indicates that producing an additional unit contributes to overall profits.
  5. Graphical Representation:

    • The intersection of the marginal revenue and marginal cost curves on a graph signifies the profit-maximizing quantity.
  6. Price Determination:

    • The monopolist sets the price by assessing what the market is willing to pay.
    • The profit-maximizing price is determined by drawing a line from the quantity to the demand curve.
  7. Calculation of Total Revenue, Total Cost, and Profit:

    • Total revenue is computed as the product of quantity sold and price.
    • Total cost is derived from the product of quantity and average cost.
    • Profit is calculated as the difference between total revenue and total cost.
  8. Graphical Representation of Profit Maximization:

    • The article illustrates a three-step process for a monopolist: selecting the profit-maximizing quantity, determining the price, and calculating total revenue, total cost, and profit.

In conclusion, the concepts discussed in the article provide a detailed understanding of how a monopolist strategically determines output, price, and ultimately maximizes profit in a market characterized by a lack of competition. This knowledge is crucial for anyone studying microeconomics or interested in comprehending the dynamics of monopolistic market structures. The information presented is based on reputable sources and textbooks, providing a reliable foundation for further exploration of these economic principles.

9.3 Single Monopoly Price and Output – Principles of Microeconomics (2024)
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