5 things a customer should never do in a restaurant, courtesy of a server (2024)

Who doesn’t like to go out for a meal? Whether you are looking for a casual bite or a fancy dinner at a five-star steakhouse, there are plenty of options satiate your appetite. There are also some unwritten rules, though, about what a customer should and shouldn’t do.

So, before you plop down into a booth and order up an appetizer for the table, make sure you follow some simple advice from Darron Cardosa, an author and blogger for The Bitchy Waiter, who has spent more than three decades as a server. On TODAY Jan. 18, he spoke about the five things a customer should never do in a restaurant.

1. Rearrange the tables to suit your needs.

Customers are not at a restaurant to treat the layout as their own personal Tetris game.

“Those tables are placed there methodically. There is a method to the madness,” Cardosa said.

He noted that servers know which tables are theirs to handle, and it’s not a customer’s place to wreak havoc by making any changes.

“If you just start moving them around, it just makes it wonky in there and nobody knows who’s in charge of what table,” he explained.

2. Handle a menu without washing your hands immediately afterwards.

Menus are mouthwatering gateways to the food you are about to eat, but they’re also kind of yucky.

"I would never use a physical menu without washing my hands immediately because those things are like petri dishes. They’re pretty gross,” Cardosa said, while mentioning all of the different places they can wind up, including the floor. He also said it’s not exactly hygienic to touch them and then use your hands to grab the complimentary bread lots of restaurants provide.

3. Send food back because it wasn’t what you expected.

Cardosa said it’s fine to send back food if it’s improperly cooked or if it’s the wrong dish entirely, but he draws the line at sending it back just because you don’t like it.

"If you order a squash soup that's got cumin in it and that's what it says on the menu, and then you taste it and you're like, 'Hm, I don't like squash soup with cumin,' that's not a good reason to send it back," he said.

“You just have ask for them to wrap it up and maybe somebody at home will eat it for you,” he advised.

4. Stiff a server.

You know the drill, right? Poor service equals a bad tip or no tip at all. Or maybe you're just plain cheap. Whatever the reason, Cardosa said it's a no-no.

“I would never, ever leave a server no tip, even if the service is subpar, because servers, they’re paying taxes on the tips that the government assumes you’re making and a lot of times you’re tipping out a bartender, a busser, a food runner, and if the customer doesn’t leave a tip for you, then we’re reaching into our own pocket to tip those people out and then we’re basically losing money to ... wait on these people,” he said.

He also said a standard tip should be 20% of the check total.

5. Leave unsanitary items on the table.

If you blow your nose, take the tissue with you. If you change your baby, throw the diaper into a garbage. You'd think most people would know this, but Cardosa said not so.

“It happens far too often,” he said. "I would never leave like a used tissue or an old mask or a dirty diaper.

"It has happened twice in my career and it is two times too many, so why anybody would do that, I don’t understand."

Drew Weisholtz

Drew Weisholtz is a reporter for TODAY Digital, focusing on pop culture, nostalgia and trending stories. He has seen every episode of “Saved by the Bell” at least 50 times, longs to perfect the crane kick from “The Karate Kid” and performs stand-up comedy, while also cheering on the New York Yankees and New York Giants. A graduate of Rutgers University, he is the married father of two kids who believe he is ridiculous.

5 things a customer should never do in a restaurant, courtesy of a server (2024)


5 things a customer should never do in a restaurant, courtesy of a server? ›

Don't Disagree With a Customer

“The customer is always right” is a saying that every good waiter should have memorized. Wait staff may hate certain customers, but they are there paying for your service and it's important to respect them.

What should you never do at a restaurant? ›

Easy on the butter, no stiffing: 23 things NOT to do at nice...
  • Dress like a slob. ...
  • Fail to cancel a reservation. ...
  • Sit down without the host's approval. ...
  • Pretend you know an unfamiliar dish. ...
  • Claim to have allergies if you don't. ...
  • Ask for too many substitutions. ...
  • Send the wine back just because you don't like it.
Dec 10, 2019

What are the do's and don'ts of a waiter during the service? ›

Don't Disagree With a Customer

“The customer is always right” is a saying that every good waiter should have memorized. Wait staff may hate certain customers, but they are there paying for your service and it's important to respect them.

How can you show courtesy in a restaurant? ›

Dining Etiquette
  1. Arrive on time and call ahead if you know you will be late.
  2. Do not place any bags, purses, sunglasses, cell phones, or briefcases on the table.
  3. Have proper posture and keep elbows off the table.
  4. Wait 15 minutes before calling to check on the arrival status of your dinner partners.

What are the 10 steps in serving a customer? ›

Greet the customers as soon as they walk through the door, say hello once they sit at the table, get drinks to them quickly, check on the customers within two minutes of delivering food, make sure to refill drinks, work with other team members and fill-in when needed, thoroughly bus the table, offer post-meal coffee ...

What restaurant are servers rude to customers? ›

Dick's Last Resort is a bar and restaurant chain in the United States known for its intentional employment of an obnoxious staff who "purposely provide bad service". The chain was founded in Dallas, Texas in 1985 by Richard "Dick" Chase and currently operates thirteen locations across the United States.

What not to do at fine dining? ›

25 things you should avoid doing when dining at a fancy...
  • Dress like a slob. ...
  • Fail to cancel a reservation. ...
  • Sit down without the approval of the host. ...
  • Pretend you know what unfamiliar dishes are. ...
  • Claim to have allergies you don't have. ...
  • Ask for too many substitutions. ...
  • Send the wine back just because you don't like it.
Dec 1, 2019

What annoys waiters? ›

7 Things You Do At Restaurants That Servers Hate
  • Asking For Separate Checks At The Very End. ...
  • Stacking Plates (Sometimes) ...
  • Making Many Tiny Requests. ...
  • Playing Musical Chairs. ...
  • Time Traveling with Wait Times. ...
  • Not Making Way for the Sizzling Fajitas (Or Any Plate, For That Matter) ...
  • If It Came In With You, It Leaves With You.
Dec 21, 2023

What is considered rude to a waiter? ›

Whether it is clicking their fingers at the waiter, talking loudly on their phone or letting the kids go feral, there are few things as unappealing as a rude dining companion in a restaurant.

Why you should not tip waiters? ›

If it wasn't prepared properly, that's a kitchen issue. If the environment was not pleasurable, say because it was too loud, that has nothing to do with service.” If you did have a nasty interaction with a server, you may be in the right to dock their tip, but be sure to bring it up with management as well, says Swann.

What are some courtesy rules? ›

Here are 10 etiquette rules that everyone should master:
  • Use proper greetings. Always greet people with a smile and a hello. ...
  • Say “please” and “thank you” ...
  • Practice good table manners. ...
  • Be mindful of your language. ...
  • Respect personal space. ...
  • Dress appropriately. ...
  • Be a good listener. ...
  • Put your phone away.

What are courtesy rules? ›

Common courtesy is a way to show respect and acknowledge the inherent worth of every individual. By practicing basic manners, such as saying “please” and “thank you,” holding doors for others, or offering a kind greeting, we affirm the dignity and value of those around us.

What is the rule of 5 in customer service? ›

Read on to learn about what we think of as the “5 R.U.L.E.S. of Working in Customer Service”: Remember to Listen, Use Good Tools, Leadership Leads, Engage Your Agents, and Swift Service Saves.

What are the 5 R's of customer service? ›

The 5 R's—response, recognition, relief, resolution, and removal—are straightforward to list, yet often prove challenging in complex environments.

What are the 5 most important things in customer service? ›

Here are the top customer service skills your representatives need, according to data.
  1. Persuasive Speaking Skills. Think of the most persuasive speaker in your organisation. ...
  2. Empathy. ...
  3. Adaptability. ...
  4. Ability to Use Positive Language. ...
  5. Clear Communication Skills. ...
  6. Self-Control. ...
  7. Taking Responsibility. ...
  8. Patience.

What is your biggest complaint when you eat in a restaurant? ›

Poor Food Quality: Issues with taste, flavor, texture, or overall quality of the dishes. Incorrect Orders: Customers receiving the wrong food or beverage items or items missing from their orders. Unsanitary Conditions: Complaints about dirty tables, utensils, or restrooms, as well as overall cleanliness issues.

What is the biggest threat to the restaurant? ›

Financial Risks

Financial instability is one of the biggest concerns facing the restaurant business. Cash flow problems may result from high operating costs, variable food prices, and erratic customer demand.

What kind of things annoy you in a restaurant? ›

Servers Share 15 Annoying Things That People Do At Restaurants
  • #1 Crying Children And Adults Who Ignore It. ...
  • #2 Flirting. ...
  • #3 Coming In Minutes Before Closing. ...
  • #4 Snapping Your Fingers At Server. ...
  • #5 Touching Their Servers. ...
  • #6 Acting Like You Own The Place. ...
  • #7 Being Impolite. ...
  • #8 Ordering Something That's Not On The Menu.

Is it rude to eat off your knife? ›

Please don't chew or talk with an open mouth or lick your knife, it's just tacky. Tricky peas can be slightly crushed or use mashed potato to stick them to your fork but never use your fork like a shovel to scoop them up!

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.