3 Reasons Why Filipinos Love Sweet and Savory Food (2024)

Building a menu catered to a Filipino market must showcase a balance of sweet and savory food. Why is this so? Because most Filipinos have a sweet tooth. Something sweet must always be on the table on every occasion. It can be a dessert or even the main dish.

Have you ever wondered, when dining out Pinoys always order sweet and savory ulam like sweet and sour pork, lechon paksiw, pata tim, escabeche, pork barbecue, longganisa, and tocino?

Here are 3 reasons why Filipinos enjoy something sweet and savory in their main course

1. Filipinos love to eat comfort food with a sweet flavor profile

A lot of people crave ice cream and chocolate when they are having a bad day. But when Filipino diners want to feel better, they for something sweet in their main course, such as lechon sauce, candied glazed pork, spaghetti, or hotdog. It is why Filipinos love to eat sweets. The comforting flavors gratify the stomach, making one instantly feel better.

2. Sweet and savory is the perfect combination

Adding sweetness to a savory dish balances out the one-dimensional salty flavor and gives it more depth. Diners feel more satisfied when they chow down sweet and savory entrées. But adding sweetness to a dish isn’t as simple as tossing in sugar. You’ll need a blend of several ingredients to create that luscious, sweet-salty sensation. If pressed for time, you can simply add Knorr Rock Sugar Honey Sauce to get that ideal mix.

3. Manamis-namis ulam goes well with rice

For Filipinos, it’s not a proper meal without rice. It is one of the irreversible facts about Filipino food. Bread, corn, and mashed potatoes are appetizing but not as filling as rice. On its own, it tastes bland, but it’s perfect when eating with a sweet and savory ulam because it balances out the strong flavors of the dish.

These reasons reveal that an affinity for sweet flavors is ingrained in Filipino culture. If you want to get the approval of the local market, include menu items with a sweet and savory flavor profile.

3 Reasons Why Filipinos Love Sweet and Savory Food (2024)
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