3.2 How to test for differences between samples | Computational Genomics with R (2024)

Oftentimes we would want to compare sets of samples. Such comparisons includeif wild-type samples have different expression compared to mutants or if healthysamples are different from disease samples in some measurable feature (blood count,gene expression, methylation of certain loci). Since there is variability in ourmeasurements, we need to take that into account when comparing the sets of samples.We can simply subtract the means of two samples, but given the variabilityof sampling, at the very least we need to decide a cutoff value for differencesof means; small differences of means can be explained by random chance due tosampling. That means we need to compare the difference we get to a value thatis typical to get if the difference between two group means were only due tosampling. If you followed the logic above, here we actually introduced two coreideas of something called “hypothesis testing”, which is simply usingstatistics to determine the probability that a given hypothesis (Ex: if two sample setsare from the same population or not) is true. Formally, expanded version of those two core ideas are as follows:

  1. Decide on a hypothesis to test, often called the “null hypothesis” (\(H_0\)). In ourcase, the hypothesis is that there is no difference between sets of samples. An “alternative hypothesis” (\(H_1\)) is that there is a difference between thesamples.
  2. Decide on a statistic to test the truth of the null hypothesis.
  3. Calculate the statistic.
  4. Compare it to a reference value to establish significance, the P-value. Based on that, either reject or not reject the null hypothesis, \(H_0\).

3.2.1 Randomization-based testing for difference of the means

There is one intuitive way to go about this. If we believe there are nodifferences between samples, that means the sample labels (test vs.control orhealthy vs.disease) have no meaning. So, if we randomly assign labels to thesamples and calculate the difference of the means, this creates a nulldistribution for \(H_0\) where we can compare the real difference andmeasure how unlikely it is to get such a value under the expectation of thenull hypothesis. We can calculate all possible permutations to calculatethe null distribution. However, sometimes that is not very feasible and theequivalent approach would be generating the null distribution by taking asmaller number of random samples with shuffled group membership.

Below, we are doing this process in R. We are first simulating two samplesfrom two different distributions.These would be equivalent to gene expression measurements obtained underdifferent conditions. Then, we calculate the differences in the meansand do the randomization procedure to get a null distribution when weassume there is no difference between samples, \(H_0\). We then calculate howoften we would get the original difference we calculated under theassumption that \(H_0\) is true. The resulting null distribution and the original value is shown in Figure 3.9.

set.seed(100)gene1=rnorm(30,mean=4,sd=2)gene2=rnorm(30,mean=2,sd=2)org.diff=mean(gene1)-mean(gene2)gene.df=data.frame(exp=c(gene1,gene2), group=c( rep("test",30),rep("control",30) ) )exp.null <- do(1000) * diff(mosaic::mean(exp ~ shuffle(group), data=gene.df))hist(exp.null[,1],xlab="null distribution | no difference in samples", main=expression(paste(H[0]," :no difference in means") ), xlim=c(-2,2),col="cornflowerblue",border="white")abline(v=quantile(exp.null[,1],0.95),col="red" )abline(v=org.diff,col="blue" )text(x=quantile(exp.null[,1],0.95),y=200,"0.05",adj=c(1,0),col="red")text(x=org.diff,y=200,"org. diff.",adj=c(1,0),col="blue")

3.2 How to test for differences between samples | Computational Genomics with R (1)

FIGURE 3.9: The null distribution for differences of means obtained via randomization. The original difference is marked via the blue line. The red line marks the value that corresponds to P-value of 0.05

## [1] 0.001

After doing random permutations and getting a null distribution, it is possible to get a confidence interval for the distribution of difference in means.This is simply the \(2.5th\) and \(97.5th\) percentiles of the null distribution, anddirectly related to the P-value calculation above.

3.2.2 Using t-test for difference of the means between two samples

We can also calculate the difference between means using a t-test. Sometimes we will have too few data points in a sample to do a meaningfulrandomization test, also randomization takes more time than doing a t-test.This is a test that depends on the t distribution. The line of thought followsfrom the CLT and we can show differences in means are t distributed.There are a couple of variants of the t-test for this purpose. If we assumethe population variances are equal we can use the following version

\[t = \frac{\bar {X}_1 - \bar{X}_2}{s_{X_1X_2} \cdot \sqrt{\frac{1}{n_1}+\frac{1}{n_2}}}\]where\[s_{X_1X_2} = \sqrt{\frac{(n_1-1)s_{X_1}^2+(n_2-1)s_{X_2}^2}{n_1+n_2-2}}\]In the first equation above, the quantity is t distributed with \(n_1+n_2-2\) degrees of freedom. We can calculate the quantity and then use softwareto look for the percentile of that value in that t distribution, which is our P-value. When we cannot assume equal variances, we use “Welch’s t-test”which is the default t-test in R and also works well when variances andthe sample sizes are the same. For this test we calculate the followingquantity:

\[t = \frac{\overline{X}_1 - \overline{X}_2}{s_{\overline{X}_1 - \overline{X}_2}}\]where\[s_{\overline{X}_1 - \overline{X}_2} = \sqrt{\frac{s_1^2 }{ n_1} + \frac{s_2^2 }{n_2}}\]

and the degrees of freedom equals to

\[\mathrm{d.f.} = \frac{(s_1^2/n_1 + s_2^2/n_2)^2}{(s_1^2/n_1)^2/(n_1-1) + (s_2^2/n_2)^2/(n_2-1)}\]

Luckily, R does all those calculations for us. Below we will show the use of t.test() function in R. We will use it on the samples we simulatedabove.

# Welch's t-teststats::t.test(gene1,gene2)
## ## Welch Two Sample t-test## ## data: gene1 and gene2## t = 3.7653, df = 47.552, p-value = 0.0004575## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0## 95 percent confidence interval:## 0.872397 2.872761## sample estimates:## mean of x mean of y ## 4.057728 2.185149
# t-test with equal variance assumptionstats::t.test(gene1,gene2,var.equal=TRUE)
## ## Two Sample t-test## ## data: gene1 and gene2## t = 3.7653, df = 58, p-value = 0.0003905## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0## 95 percent confidence interval:## 0.8770753 2.8680832## sample estimates:## mean of x mean of y ## 4.057728 2.185149

A final word on t-tests: they generally assume a population where samples comingfrom them have a normaldistribution, however it is been shown t-test can tolerate deviations fromnormality, especially, when two distributions are moderately skewed in thesame direction. This is due to the central limit theorem, which says that the means ofsamples will be distributed normally no matter the population distributionif sample sizes are large.

3.2.3 Multiple testing correction

We should think of hypothesis testing as a non-error-free method of making decisions. There will be times when we declare something significant and accept\(H_1\) but we will be wrong.These decisions are also called “false positives” or “false discoveries”, and are also known as “type I errors”. Similarly, we can fail to reject a hypothesiswhen we actually should. These cases are known as “false negatives”, also knownas “type II errors”.

The ratio of true negatives to the sum oftrue negatives and false positives (\(\frac{TN}{FP+TN}\)) is known as specificity.And we usually want to decrease the FP and get higher specificity.The ratio of true positives to the sum oftrue positives and false negatives (\(\frac{TP}{TP+FN}\)) is known as sensitivity.And, again, we usually want to decrease the FN and get higher sensitivity.Sensitivity is also known as the “power of a test” in the context of hypothesistesting. More powerful tests will be highly sensitive and will have fewer typeII errors. For the t-test, the power is positively associated with sample sizeand the effect size. The larger the sample size, the smaller the standard error, andlooking for the larger effect sizes will similarly increase the power.

The general summary of these different decision combinations areincluded in the table below.

\(H_0\) isTRUE,[Gene is NOTdifferentiallyexpressed]\(H_1\) isTRUE,[Gene isdifferentiallyexpressed]
Accept \(H_0\)(claim thatthe gene is notdifferentiallyexpressed)True Negatives (TN)False Negatives (FN),type II error\(m_0\): number of trulynull hypotheses
reject \(H_0\)(claim thatthe gene isdifferentiallyexpressed)False Positives (FP),type I errorTrue Positives (TP)\(m-m_0\): number oftruly alternativehypotheses

We expect to make more type I errors as the number of tests increase, whichmeans we will reject the null hypothesis by mistake. For example, if weperform a test at the 5% significance level, there is a 5% chance ofincorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis if the null hypothesis is true.However, if we make 1000 tests where all null hypotheses are true foreach of them, the average number of incorrect rejections is 50. And if weapply the rules of probability, there is almost a 100% chance thatwe will have at least one incorrect rejection.There are multiple statistical techniques to prevent this from happening.These techniques generally push the P-values obtained from multipletests to higher values; if the individual P-value is low enough it survivesthis process. The simplest method is just to multiply the individualP-value (\(p_i\)) by the number of tests (\(m\)), \(m \cdot p_i\). This iscalled “Bonferroni correction”. However, this is too harsh if you have thousandsof tests. Other methods are developed to remedy this. Those methodsrely on ranking the P-values and dividing \(m \cdot p_i\) by therank, \(i\), :\(\frac{m \cdot p_i }{i}\), which is derived from the Benjamini–Hochberg procedure. This procedure is developed to control for “False Discovery Rate (FDR)”, which is the proportion of false positives among all significant tests. And inpractical terms, we get the “FDR-adjusted P-value” from the procedure describedabove. This gives us an estimate of the proportion of false discoveries for a giventest. To elaborate, p-value of 0.05 implies that 5% of all tests will be false positives. An FDR-adjusted p-value of 0.05 implies that 5% of significant tests will be false positives. The FDR-adjusted P-values will result in a lower number of false positives.

One final method that is also popular is called the “q-value”method and related to the method above. This procedure relies on estimating the proportion of true nullhypotheses from the distribution of raw p-values and using that quantityto come up with what is called a “q-value”, which is also an FDR-adjusted P-value (Storey and Tibshirani 2003). That can be practically definedas “the proportion of significant features that turn out to be falseleads.” A q-value 0.01 would mean 1% of the tests called significant at this level will be truly null on average. Within the genomics communityq-value and FDR adjusted P-value are synonymous although they can becalculated differently.

In R, the base function p.adjust() implements most of the p-value correctionmethods described above. For the q-value, we can use the qvalue package fromBioconductor. Below we demonstrate how to use them on a set of simulatedp-values. The plot in Figure 3.10 shows that Bonferroni correction does a terrible job. FDR(BH) and q-valueapproach are better but, the q-value approach is more permissive than FDR(BH).

library(qvalue)data(hedenfalk)qvalues <- qvalue(hedenfalk$p)$qbonf.pval=p.adjust(hedenfalk$p,method ="bonferroni")fdr.adj.pval=p.adjust(hedenfalk$p,method ="fdr")plot(hedenfalk$p,qvalues,pch=19,ylim=c(0,1), xlab="raw P-values",ylab="adjusted P-values")points(hedenfalk$p,bonf.pval,pch=19,col="red")points(hedenfalk$p,fdr.adj.pval,pch=19,col="blue")legend("bottomright",legend=c("q-value","FDR (BH)","Bonferroni"), fill=c("black","blue","red"))

3.2 How to test for differences between samples | Computational Genomics with R (2)

FIGURE 3.10: Adjusted P-values via different methods and their relationship to raw P-values

3.2.4 Moderated t-tests: Using information from multiple comparisons

In genomics, we usually do not do one test but many, as described above. That means wemay be able to use the information from the parameters obtained from allcomparisons to influence the individual parameters. For example, if you have many variancescalculated for thousands of genes across samples, you can force individualvariance estimates to shrink toward the mean or the median of the distributionof variances. This usually creates better performance in individual varianceestimates and therefore better performance in significance testing, whichdepends on variance estimates. How much the values are shrunk toward a commonvalue depends on the exact method used. These tests in general are called moderatedt-tests or shrinkage t-tests. One approach popularized by Limma software isto use so-called “Empirical Bayes methods”. The main formulation in thesemethods is \(\hat{V_g} = aV_0 + bV_g\), where \(V_0\) is the background variability and \(V_g\) is the individual variability. Then, these methods estimate \(a\) and \(b\) in various ways to come up with a “shrunk” version of the variability, \(\hat{V_g}\). Bayesian inference can make use of prior knowledge to make inference about properties of the data. In a Bayesian viewpoint,the prior knowledge, in this case variability of other genes, can be used to calculate the variability of an individual gene. In ourcase, \(V_0\) would be the prior knowledge we have on the variability ofthe genes and weuse that knowledge to influence our estimate for the individual genes.

Below we are simulating a gene expression matrix with 1000 genes, and 3 testand 3 control groups. Each row is a gene, and in normal circ*mstances we wouldlike to find differentially expressed genes. In this case, we are simulatingthem from the same distribution, so in reality we do not expect any differences.We then use the adjusted standard error estimates in empirical Bayesian spirit but, in a very crude way. We just shrink the gene-wise standard error estimates towards the median with equal \(a\) and \(b\) weights. That is to say, we add the individual estimate to themedian of the standard error distribution from all genes and divide that quantity by 2. So if we plug that into the above formula, what we do is:

\[ \hat{V_g} = (V_0 + V_g)/2 \]

In the code below, we are avoiding for loops or apply family functionsby using vectorized operations. The code below samples gene expression values from a hypothetical distribution. Since all the values come from the same distribution, we do not expect differences between groups. We then calculate moderated and unmoderated t-test statistics and plot the P-value distributions for tests. The results are shown in Figure 3.11.

set.seed(100)#sample data matrix from normal distributiongset=rnorm(3000,mean=200,sd=70)data=matrix(gset,ncol=6)# set groupsgroup1=1:3group2=4:6n1=3n2=3dx=rowMeans(data[,group1])-rowMeans(data[,group2]) require(matrixStats)# get the esimate of pooled variance stderr = sqrt( (rowVars(data[,group1])*(n1-1) +  rowVars(data[,group2])*(n2-1)) / (n1+n2-2) * ( 1/n1 + 1/n2 ))# do the shrinking towards medianmod.stderr = (stderr + median(stderr)) / 2 # moderation in variation# esimate t statistic with moderated variancet.mod <- dx / mod.stderr# calculate P-value of rejecting null p.mod = 2*pt( -abs(t.mod), n1+n2-2 )# esimate t statistic without moderated variancet = dx / stderr# calculate P-value of rejecting null p = 2*pt( -abs(t), n1+n2-2 )par(mfrow=c(1,2))hist(p,col="cornflowerblue",border="white",main="",xlab="P-values t-test")mtext(paste("signifcant tests:",sum(p<0.05)) )hist(p.mod,col="cornflowerblue",border="white",main="", xlab="P-values mod. t-test")mtext(paste("signifcant tests:",sum(p.mod<0.05)) )

3.2 How to test for differences between samples | Computational Genomics with R (3)

FIGURE 3.11: The distributions of P-values obtained by t-tests and moderated t-tests

Want to know more ?

  • Basic statistical concepts
    • “Cartoon guide to statistics” by Gonick & Smith (Gonick and Smith 2005). Provides central concepts depicted as cartoons in a funny but clear and accurate manner.
    • “OpenIntro Statistics” (Diez, Barr, Çetinkaya-Rundel, et al. 2015) (Free e-book http://openintro.org). This book provides fundamental statistical concepts in a clear and easy way. It includes R code.
  • Hands-on statistics recipes with R
    • “The R book” (Crawley 2012). This is the main R book for anyone interested in statistical concepts and their application in R. It requires some background in statistics since the main focus is applications in R.
  • Moderated tests


Crawley. 2012. The R Book. Wiley. https://books.google.de/books?id=XYDl0mlH-moC.

De Hertogh, De Meulder, Berger, Pierre, Bareke, Gaigneaux, and Depiereux. 2010. “A Benchmark for Statistical Microarray Data Analysis That Preserves Actual Biological and Technical Variance.” BMC Bioinformatics 11 (1): 17.

Diez, Barr, Çetinkaya-Rundel, and Amazon.com. 2015. OpenIntro Statistics. OpenIntro, Incorporated. https://books.google.de/books?id=wfcPswEACAAJ.

Gonick, and Smith. 2005. The Cartoon Guide to Statistics. Collins Reference. https://books.google.de/books?id=-U7vygAACAAJ.

Smyth Gordon. 2004. “Linear Models and Empirical Bayes Methods for Assessing Differential Expression in Microarray Experiments.” Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 3 (1): 1–25.

Storey, and Tibshirani. 2003. “Statistical Significance for Genomewide Studies.” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 100 (16): 9440–5.

3.2 How to test for differences between samples | Computational Genomics with R (2024)
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