20 Ways To Save Money On Your Credit Repair Journey - The Confused Millennial (2024)


This post is in partnership with Lexington Law, thank you for supporting brands who support TCM. As always, all thoughts, opinions, experience, and advice is my own.

Saving money is legit one of my favorite things. Does that make me a nerd? Possibly. Does it help my anxiety and stress levels? Yes and Definitely!! I'm such a fan of saving money and really want to break the stigma that it's “hard” or that you can only do it by making yourself miserable and only eating brown bag lunches! Today we are going to talk about some of my favorite ways to save money. These can help you reach your financial goals, including getting to where you want to be on your credit repair journey!

Okay, this is probably the most boring and common tip on the list. But it's the most important in my opinion! If you're looking to make headway on your credit repair journey, nothing will derail it like an unexpected expense! Seriously, think about it like reaching a health goal.

Have you ever had a particular health goal in mind, then skipped a work out one day… then skipped them the entire week? Or had a donut that someone brought into the office one morning, then binged the rest of the day because it was already a “lost” day? That slippery slope happens with our financial goals too. Avoid backsliding on your spending because you feel derailed from a flat tire by building up your emergency fund. IMO, it's one of the best ways to stay on track with your savings and financial goals.

Out of sight, out of mind is the motto here! You can usually set up either a percentage or fixed dollar amount of each paycheck to automatically divert to your savings account, while the rest direct deposits to your checking account. This is one of the easiest ways to save, even if it's only $5 a month.

That's right, it's time to clean out the closets, cupboards, and anywhere else you've been hoarding various items. I'm a bit of a collector, I love little trinkets and knick knacks… until I don't even realize what I have anymore. Go through your items and see which ones you feel ready to part with and start selling! I've done this with old handbags from the early 00's and formal gowns I no longer have any use for and have made thousands of dollars!

20 Ways To Save Money On Your Credit Repair Journey - The Confused Millennial (1)

Think LED and CFL light bulbs or a programmable thermostat. These small switches can lead to big savings. Sometimes your power and light company will even come out to do a free energy audit of your home and give you suggestions for savings, so look into that as well!

Check your community's website or Facebook page (or newspaper if you still get one of those), and see what events are happening in your area. Many of these are free or cost very little. You'd be surprised by how many things like museums and galleries offer a free day once a month or more.

Install an ad blocker on your browser to protect your digital experience and find out how to get off the physical mailing list for stores and the like who keep sending you ads. Again, out of sight, out of mind becomes the motto! If you can't see it, you can't be tempted by it. This makes it a lot easier to avoid impulse purchases.

20 Ways To Save Money On Your Credit Repair Journey - The Confused Millennial (2)

Whether it's for your daily coffee run (some even offer you a cup discount for bringing your own!) or just to have with you around the office to stop the trips to the vending machine, carrying a reusable cup can be a great way to save money. You're also more likely to drink more water if you carry a reusable water bottle but by drinking more water you may stay fuller longer and not eat as much meaning more money in your pocket.

Leftovers are like one of my favorite things in the world!! Whether I buy items in bulk and make a massive amount for later in the week or to freeze for a later time, or “over order” at a restaurant which allows me to turn stretch my money into more meals. For example on that last one: when we order greek, I always order an extra pita. That night, I eat the salad and half of the meal, and then the next day I use the extra pita, my leftovers, and combine them with some spinach on hand to create a second meal.

I'm a champ at this! We have a local grocery store chain that rotates sales on the same items every 4 or 6 weeks depending on the item. I knew exactly how much to stock up on the items to get me through the sales cycle. This will take a little upfront energy and effort on your end. You'll want to make a note of what items went on sale when, and when it happens again. I bet before you know it, you'll see a pattern emerge! Another option would be to ask the grocery manager if he knows the sales cycle, they may or may not share that information with you though.

I forget the exact statistic I read a couple of years ago, but essentially people who shop with a shopping list, and stick with it, tend to save way more money. They don't end up with impulse purchases and are less likely to purchase items that never get used simply because it seemed like a good idea in the store in that moment. Trust me, I'm guilty of the last one and my pantry is a standing testament.

20 Ways To Save Money On Your Credit Repair Journey - The Confused Millennial (3)

The world of credit can be very overwhelming. If you're looking to repair your credit it can be really helpful to enlist professional help like Lexington Law. Their professionals assist in getting inaccurate items, including liens, removed. Get your free consultation with Lexington Law here.

Whether you love books, CDs, or movies, the library has a wide array of options. Fun fact: If a library doesn't have the book you want, you can request they get it. They'll either put in a transfer request from another local library or will actually buy it. They have to get you the book! At least that's the way it is in my area, you just have to specifically ask them to get it for you, rather than just saying “oh well you don't have it.” Aside from borrowing books and movies, the library also hosts free community events too.

Many libraries now have coffee shops, a nice seating area, and rooms you can reserve which make it a great spot to meet with friends or colleagues and will probably save you more than a restaurant or coffee shop. Lastly, another reason I love libraries, is they usually have tons of free newspaper – which is great if you read the newspaper; but even better if you have a move coming up!

You can get all the old newspapers and use them as packing supplies to save you money! Or just take the newspapers if you aren't moving and use them to clean your windows – not only do they work better than paper towels, they also don't cost you anything! Okay, end rant about my love of libraries!

If you can leave all of your credit cards at home to avoid temptation, that's awesome! Especially if you're still at the point of paying off high balances in your credit repair journey. However, if you're at the place where you're consistently paying off your credit card each month and are not accruing more debt, then bring one credit card out with you. This way you aren't tempted to max out various cards and can avoid the temptation. If you're unsure about when to start using credit cards again or how best to use them in your credit repair journey, chat with the professionals at Lexington Law here. They've worked exclusively in credit repair since 2004 and in 2017 alone saw 10 million negative items removed from their clients credit reports.

20 Ways To Save Money On Your Credit Repair Journey - The Confused Millennial (4)

For shopping online, there are actually browser extensions you can install that will crawl the interwebs and let you know if the item is offered cheaper elsewhere. When it comes to making larger purchases, you may want to compare prices at several retailers and then look into what coupons those retailers are offering.

If you really want to kick it up a notch, you can look into gift card discount websites and save even more. For instance, I like a really expensive legging that never goes on sale, so I'll go on a discount card site to buy a gift card which basically allows me to get the item “on sale” indirectly.

Since you're working on building your credit, you should be checking your statements at least monthly, if not more frequently. Reviewing each transaction carefully will give you a chance see everything you're spending money on. If you notice any subscriptions or memberships that you aren't really using anymore, cancel them!

Be brutally honest with yourself here too… if you're paying for an expensive gym membership but only go once a month, does it make more sense to find another gym or pay by the class instead? Maybe in summer you decide to cancel your membership all together since it's nicer to workout outside.

This has worked for me SO many times over! I never opt to save my credit card when checking out with an online purchase. This means, that anytime I want to buy something online I need to physically go find my credit card or log into my bank account to see the credit card number. By doing this it really tests how much I actually want the item. Most items end up being impulse buys that I abandon halfway through the process either because I'm lazy or get distracted.

Seriously, we had so much clutter in our house that we didn't even know what we had until we moved! All of the sudden I realized I had three of the same cleaner I kept purchasing thinking we were out. By decluttering and positioning things in a way you can see everything, you're likely to save loads of money.

20 Ways To Save Money On Your Credit Repair Journey - The Confused Millennial (5)

I learned this one from Dave Ramsey, where a lot of people using the debt snowball method create a visual chart of their debt and mark their progress along the way. Most hung it on their fridge so they could see it everyday as a reminder of what they're working towards. Even though it may not feel like it at times, it's great to see you're making progress.

Whether you decide to repair old clothes, make your own cleaning supplies, or try to fix a few things around your home instead of hiring a handy man, you're bound to save some money when you flex your DIY muscles!

You only get what you ask for sometimes! One of the easiest and best ways to save is to simply ask for what you want. Ask for fees to be waived with your credit card company. Ask for a discount at the gym. Ask where people bought things. Seriously, the more inquisitive you can become, the more you're bound to save. For instance, we have an expensive baby items from a particular retailer. I had several people ask me where I got it – even though only one retailer sells it – well it's a good thing they asked! Because I actually bought it used on Facebook Marketplace. Ask and you may find yourself down a money saving path!

If you're looking to get ahead financially or in your credit repair journey, finding ways to save can massively help. Don't look at saving as depriving yourself though. View it as simple lifestyle changes you can make that will lead to a bigger long lasting impact.

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20 Ways To Save Money On Your Credit Repair Journey - The Confused Millennial (6)

  1. Stack your emergency fund

  2. Divert a portion of your paycheck to saving right away

  3. Stop hoarding, start selling

  4. Block ads

  5. Use a shopping list

  6. Look for free events

  7. Work with a credit repair professional

  8. Carry a reusable cup

  9. Let the library become your new BFF

  10. Opt for energy savers around the house

  11. Leave your credit cards at home

  12. Meal plan using your grocery stores sales

  13. Shop the sales & comparison shop

  14. Audit your subscriptions and memberships

  15. Don't save your credit card number online

  16. Declutter!

  17. Create a visual chart of your debt

  18. Leftovers are your friend

  19. Flex your DIY muscles

  20. Ask for what you want


20 Ways To Save Money On Your Credit Repair Journey - The Confused Millennial (2024)


Who is the best credit repair company? ›

Best Credit Repair Companies for June 2024
  • Best Overall: The Credit Pros.
  • Most Aggressive Timeline: The Credit People.
  • Best Simple Credit Repair Options: Credit Saint.
  • Most Experienced: Sky Blue Credit.
  • Best for Dispute Services: CreditFirm.net.
  • Best Customer Experience: CreditRepair.com.
  • Best for Transparency: Lexington Law.

What is the best way to fix my credit? ›

How to repair credit: 8 tips
  1. Pay bills on time. ...
  2. Stay well below your credit limits. ...
  3. Pay your credit card balances in full. ...
  4. Apply only for the credit you need. ...
  5. Consider a secured credit card. ...
  6. Consider becoming an authorized user. ...
  7. Dispute errors on your credit report. ...
  8. Regularly monitor your credit.
Nov 8, 2023

Can I pay someone to fix my credit score? ›

Repairing your credit doesn't have to cost you anything. You can handle the process yourself by following the step-by-step instructions on the three major credit bureaus' websites. If you want help, you can hire a credit repair company to assist you.

How long does credit repair take? ›

Policies and procedures vary by creditor but will usually include back-and-forth letters to get everything in writing. On average, credit repair takes about three to six months. Your score should gradually improve throughout the process each time a creditor agrees to make a change in your favor.

Is it worth paying someone to fix your credit? ›

However tempting it may be to pay someone to undo damage, you are your own best resource. In short, no one can legally remove accurate and timely negative information from a credit report, and everything a credit repair clinic can do for you legally, you can do for yourself at little or no cost.

Who has the best debt relief program? ›

Summary: Best Debt Relief Companies of June 2024
CompanyForbes Advisor RatingLearn more CTA below text
National Debt Relief4.5On Nationaldebtrelief.com's Website
Pacific Debt Relief4.1
Accredited Debt Relief4.0On Accredited Debt Relief's Website
Money Management International4.0Read Our Full Review
3 more rows
May 1, 2024

How much should credit repair cost? ›

Credit repair services can be costly, with companies typically charging a monthly subscription that can range from $50 to $150. Some also charge an initial setup fee after they establish your account which can range from $70 to $200.

Can you repair credit without paying? ›

Credit repair companies often charge hefty fees to find and dispute inaccurate negative information in your credit reports. However, you can repair your credit for free by checking your credit report and taking measures to improve your credit score.

Can Credit Karma fix your credit? ›

If you're ready to take control of your finances, you've come to the right place. While Credit Karma doesn't fix errors on your credit reports, Credit Karma's Direct Dispute™ tool can help you through the process of disputing an error on your TransUnion credit report in just a few clicks.

What credit score is needed to buy a house? ›

A good credit score to buy a house is one that helps you secure the best mortgage rate and loan terms for the mortgage you're applying for. You'll typically need a credit score of 620 to finance a home purchase. However, some lenders may offer mortgage loans to borrowers with scores as low as 500.

How can I fix my credit score fast for free? ›

  1. Pay credit card balances strategically.
  2. Ask for higher credit limits.
  3. Become an authorized user.
  4. Pay bills on time.
  5. Dispute credit report errors.
  6. Deal with collections accounts.
  7. Use a secured credit card.
  8. Get credit for rent and utility payments.
Mar 26, 2024

How long does it take to build credit from 600 to 700? ›

It can take 12 to 18+ months to build your credit from 500 to 700. The exact timing depends on which types of negative marks are dragging down your score and the steps you take to improve your credit going forward.

Can credit repair companies really help? ›

While credit repair can successfully address errors, inaccuracies and outdated information on credit reports, you cannot remove accurate and verifiable data. Legitimate credit repair companies can help identify and dispute negative items that are dragging down your credit score.

What is the most reliable credit score agency? ›

Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion are the top three credit bureaus in the U.S. They are private businesses that collect and sell data on the spending and borrowing habits of individual consumers.

Does 609 credit repair really work? ›

In general, a 609 letter is not a legal loophole that consumers can use to remove accurate information from their credit reports. This means they can't relieve you of any verifiable debt. If a credit bureau is able to verify your debt, it will stay on your report. They also can't relieve you of your existing debt.

How much does credit repair cost on average? ›

Credit repair services can be costly, with companies typically charging a monthly subscription that can range from $50 to $150. Some also charge an initial setup fee after they establish your account which can range from $70 to $200.

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.