10 Strategies for Becoming Debt-Free | LendingTree (2024)

There’s plenty of cookie-cutter financial advice out there on becoming debt-free: Earn more money. Cut up your credit cards. Eat out less. Make coffee at home. Tips like these are obvious, and ultimately, not very helpful. Before you take a pair of scissors to those credit cards, explore these ten realistic strategies on getting out of debt.

In this guide, we’ll explore the following strategies:

  1. Debt avalanche
  2. Debt snowball
  3. Build a budget
  4. Dedicate unexpected windfalls to your debt
  5. Meet with a credit counselor
  6. Negotiate debt settlement
  7. Consolidate debt with a personal loan
  8. Transfer debt to a 0% intro credit card
  9. Use a cash-out refinance to put money toward debt
  10. Consider bankruptcy (as a last resort)


  • Which debt should you pay off first?
  • Once you’re debt-free: How to stay out of debt

1. Debt avalanche: Pay off your highest-interest debt first

The debt avalanche method involves paying off your debt with the highest interest rate first, then working your way down from there. For example, you might consider paying off debt in this order:

  • 25% APR store credit card
  • 22% APR rewards credit card
  • 7% APR auto loan
  • 6% APR student loan
  • 5% APR mortgage

With this method, you’re paying less in interest charges over time. You’ll continue making minimum payments on your other debts, and you’ll allocate extra cash toward your priority debt.

2. Debt snowball: Pay off your smallest balance first

Tackle your debt in baby steps using the debt snowball method. You’ll target your debt with the lowest balance first, while making the minimum payment on your other debts. Once your low-balance debt is repaid, you’ll move onto the next lowest debt.

When you’ve finished repaying the first debt, take the amount you were previously paying each month and begin applying it to your next-smallest debt. The amount of money you’re putting toward debt each month won’t change, but you’ll begin paying the debts off with increasing speed.

This repayment method helps you cut down the number of debts you owe and gives you small wins to keep you motivated on your repayment journey. Using the same example above, try the exercise with debt amounts:

  • $1,000 rewards credit card debt
  • $1,500 store credit card debt
  • $10,000 auto loan debt
  • $35,000 student loan debt
  • $150,000 mortgage debt

Compared to the above example, you’ll notice that this list didn’t change much. That’s because low-interest debts like car payments and a mortgage are paid over a longer period of time than credit cards, which would ideally be paid off monthly.

3. Build a budget to pay off debt

It’s easy to lose control of debt when you’re not tracking your spending. Budgeting is a big part of staying out of debt, but it can also help you pay off debt faster.

Creating a budget gives you a clear idea of how you spend and save your money. Particularly if you have excess credit card debt, budgeting can give you valuable insight into where your income goes each month. Use a budgeting spreadsheet like the one below to track your spending for a month and see where you can allocate more income toward repaying debt.

In addition to a manual budgeting spreadsheet, you can also incorporate one of these budgeting strategies:

  • 50/30/20 budget: Split your income into three categories: 50% goes toward needs, 30% goes toward “wants” and 20% goes toward savings and debt repayment.
  • Zero-based budget: At the end of the month, your income minus your expenses should equal zero. This helps you account for every dollar earned, including debt repayment and savings.
  • Envelope budget: Categorize your spending into virtual “envelopes,” such as food, utilities and housing. Allocate your budget at the beginning of the month to cut down on superfluous spending.
  • Minimalist lifestyle: Cut regular but unnecessary expenses, such as dining out or gratuitous shopping trips, to maximize savings. Dedicate any remaining income to debt repayment.

10 Strategies for Becoming Debt-Free | LendingTree (1) Tip: Utilize an online debt payoff calculator to determine how much you should allocate toward your debt in order to pay it off within a certain time frame. This gives you a clearer image of how much you’ll pay every month and how much you’ll pay in interest in the long run. You can customize your strategy to pay off debt based on how much you can put aside each month.

4. Dedicate unexpected windfalls to your debt

When you receive an unanticipated sum of money, it’s easy to imagine fun ways to spend it: Take a vacation or buy that latest smartphone model you’ve been wanting. But if you’re in a lot of debt, it may be wiser to use your windfall to pay down debt.

Don’t think of a monetary windfall as “extra money” that you can use for discretionary purposes. Use an inheritance, tax refund or work bonus to cut down on your debt and save yourself money on interest in the long run.

Money typically doesn’t just fall into people’s laps, so if you’re anxious to pay off your debts quickly, here are a few ways to earn some extra income.

5. Meet with a credit counselor to form a repayment plan

Nonprofit credit counseling organizations offer low-cost or free debt counseling. A certified credit counselor will:

  • Offer money and debt advice
  • Help you create a budget
  • Give you educational materials on money management

Depending on your circ*mstances, a counselor may put you on a debt management plan, which sets a clear timeline for your debt repayment. Debt management plans come at a cost, typically a monthly fee.

You can find a certified credit counselor by searching the U.S. Department of Justice website.

6. Negotiate debt settlement with your creditors

When unsecured debt becomes too much to handle and you’re delinquent on payments, you may consider negotiating debt settlement with your creditors or a debt collector. Your creditor, like your credit card company, may agree to set you up on a payment plan, reduce your monthly payments or settle your debt for less than what’s owed.

Follow these tips for settling your debt:

  • Take notes. Write down the name of the person you spoke with, when you called and what they said. Compile all of this information in a follow-up email.
  • Get it in writing. Before you make any payments, get your proposed repayment or debt settlement plan in writing.
  • Be honest. Don’t commit to a debt repayment plan if you can’t keep up with the monthly payments. Explain your financial situation to the creditor.
  • Check the statute of limitations. If your debt is time-barred, you can’t be sued over it. However, you still owe the debt and it will show up on your credit report.

It’s worth noting, however, that debt settlement can negatively impact your credit score. Be sure you understand the implications before making a final decision.

7. Consolidate debt with a personal loan

A debt consolidation loan can help you repay your debts at a lower interest rate, saving you money over time. This repayment method also allows you to combine multiple debts into one, allowing you to make just one monthly payment instead of multiple payments.

When shopping for a personal loan, you’ll want to find a lender that is willing to give you a lower APR than what you’re currently paying. Keep in mind that the shorter your loan term, the lower your APR may be.

Similarly, you can also consolidate credit card debt by moving it to a balance transfer credit card.

10 Strategies for Becoming Debt-Free | LendingTree (2)

8. Transfer debt to a 0% intro credit card

Another way to consolidate debt is to use a balance transfer credit card. Ideally, you’ll want to find a 0% intro credit card so you can avoid paying interest for the first several months. This way, any payments you make on the card will go directly toward reducing the principal. Keep in mind, however, you’ll typically have to pay a fee when utilizing a balance transfer credit card and once the 0% intro period is over, you’ll have to start paying interest on the remaining balance.

Credit cards and personal loans are both popular ways of consolidating debt. However, these debt repayment options may be out of reach for consumers with subprime credit. You’ll have a hard time securing a good rate on a personal loan with bad credit, and you’ll find it difficult to qualify for a balance-transfer credit card without a good credit score.

If debt consolidation or a balance transfer credit card seems like the right money move for you, compare your options below.

Personal loansBalance transfer cards
How it worksRepay multiple types of debt by opening a personal loanTransfer the balance of one or multiple credit cards into a new credit card with better terms
Credit requiredVaries by lenderVery good
BenefitsFixed APR and monthly payments
May offer lower APRs than your current debts
Consolidate many types of debt
May be able to pay off debt at 0% APR
Get all your credit card statements in one place
RisksSubprime borrowers may not qualify
May be subject to origination fees and prepayment penalties
APRs vary widely depending on credit score
Any remaining balance will be charged interest when the 0% APR period expires
Can only be used to consolidate credit card debt
Not all borrowers will qualify
Best for…Borrowers with good credit who have multiple types of debt.Borrowers with good to excellent credit who can pay off the debt within the intro APR period.

9. Use a cash-out refinance to put money toward debt

If you own a house, you may be able to use cash-out refinance to pay off debt.

In short, if you have been paying your mortgage, you’ve most likely built equity into your home. A cash-out refinance allows you to borrow against that equity and use the money to do a variety of things, including pay off debt.

In most cases, you’ll only be able to take out up to 80% of your home’s value. For instance, if your home is worth $500,000 and you still owe $250,000, you currently have $250,000 of home equity. Since you’ll typically only be able to utilize 80% of your home’s value, you’ll probably only be able to borrow up to $150,000 of your home’s $250,000 equity value.

Keep in mind that if you go this route, you are using your home as collateral for the debt, meaning you risk losing your home if you default.

10. Consider bankruptcy (as a last resort)

Should you find yourself overwhelmed by your finances, you may be able to discharge your debts by filing for bankruptcy. While this can be a relief for some borrowers, keep in mind that bankruptcy can remain on your credit profile for years and may make it difficult for you to take out credit or a loan afterward. Aside from that, bankruptcy proceedings can take several months or years before your debt is discharged, and some debts are not dischargeable.

Typically, most people file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. In fact, in 2021, there were 399,269 non-business bankruptcies, according to the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. Chapter 7 made up 70% of all non-business bankruptcy filings, while Chapter 13 comprised nearly 30% of filings that year.

If you believe bankruptcy may be the best option for you, here are a few of the biggest differences between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

Chapter 7Chapter 13
Once you successfully file, your debts are discharged; however, this may require you to liquidate valuable assetsOnce you are approved, you’ll get to keep your assets but you will have to remain on a payment plan for three to five years
Chapter 7 bankruptcy can stay on your credit profile for up to 10 yearsChapter 13 bankruptcy can stay on your credit profile for up to seven years
There is no capped limit on debt in order to be eligible for Chapter 7Cannot have more than $465,275 of unsecured debt or $1,395,875 of secured debt to be eligible

Which debt should you pay off first?

When deciding how to best tackle your debt, it’s important to become familiar with your financial obligations and which you want to repay first:

  • Credit card debt
  • Student loan debt
  • Auto debt
  • Mortgage debt
  • Medical debt
  • Tax debt

It’s important to take stock of what you owe because some types of debt will open new doors for your debt repayment strategy. For example, you may be able to negotiate medical debt. With mortgage and auto debt, you could consider refinancing. If you have credit card debt across multiple accounts, you could consolidate.

If you’re not sure which debt to pay off first, consider factors like the annual percentage rate (APR). A loan’s APR is a measure of your borrowing cost over a year and takes the interest rate plus fees into account. Consider each debt’s outstanding balance, as well. In general, paying off the debt with the highest APR is your best bet for saving money, especially if you’re locked into your terms and can’t refinance for better terms.

Once you’re debt-free: How to stay out of debt

Becoming debt-free is a difficult task, so it’s important to build better habits going forward so you don’t find yourself in the same situation again. Stay out of debt by monitoring your budget, building your savings and working on increasing your income. Here’s how:

Build your emergency fund

It’s important that you don’t sacrifice your emergency fund or pay off debt. You should always be saving at least some money in an emergency fund. That way, when you’re hit with a big, unexpected expense, you don’t need to resort to taking out debt again.

Many professionals advise that you have between three and six months’ worth of expenses saved up in case of emergency. If that seems like a lot, start small; create your emergency fund by saving up one week’s worth of expenses, then one month, and build from there.

Find a way to increase your income

Paying off debt on a low income is difficult, but staying out of debt when you don’t have a lot of extra cash is even harder. You don’t have to work your body to the bone to find creative ways to pay off debt.

Ask for a raise. It’s common to ask for a raise, so don’t be afraid to ask. Research the average income for your position online, and use that as leverage. Be prepared to advocate for yourself and your accomplishments in your role.

Take a certification course. See if your company will pay for the course, and they may increase your income once you receive your new credentials.

Start a side gig. If you have a car, you could consider working for a ride-sharing service. You could also rent out your home as a vacation rental or participate in paid surveys.

Sell unused items. Bring your old clothes and accessories to a consignment shop to make some quick money. You can also sell home goods, electronics and other clutter on online marketplaces like Nextdoor, Craisglist or Facebook Marketplace.

Utilize a budgeting app

Creating a budget can be hard work, but it’s worth the effort when you’re paying off debt. Even when you’ve repaid all your debt, it’s important to keep budgeting so you don’t slip into old habits.

If you’re having trouble keeping up with a budget in the long term, you should at least download a budget app for your smartphone or on your computer. Budgeting apps can link with your bank accounts to track your spending automatically, so all you have to do is log on to see where your money is going.

Monitor and build your credit score

The credit score system isn’t perfect, but it’s one measure of your overall financial wellness. Plus, lenders and other financial institutions rely on your credit score to determine if you’re a good candidate for a loan or credit card.

In addition, you can request a full copy of your credit report from all three credit bureaus on AnnualCreditReport.com. Doing so won’t affect your credit, and it can give you a better picture of your finances, including:

  • Who you owe money to
  • How much money you owe
  • Your payment history

You can also check your credit score for free with LendingTree Spring.

10 Strategies for Becoming Debt-Free | LendingTree (2024)


What is the quickest way to become debt free? ›

Pay More Than the Minimum Payment

If you're trying to figure out how to get out of debt fast, you should try to put as much as you can toward debts every month. Remember the debt snowball method – every chance you have to make higher payments will bring you closer to being debt-free.

What does the 20/10 rule tell you about debt? ›

The 20/10 rule follows the logic that no more than 20% of your annual net income should be spent on consumer debt and no more than 10% of your monthly net income should be used to pay debt repayments.

How to pay off $5000 quickly? ›

Credit card refinancing can help you pay off $5,000 in credit card debt much faster because a personal loan comes with a predetermined end date. Debt consolidation loans allow you to combine multiple debts into one loan. Some lenders will even send your loan funds directly to your former creditors.

How to pay $30,000 debt in one year? ›

The 6-step method that helped this 34-year-old pay off $30,000 of credit card debt in 1 year
  1. Step 1: Survey the land. ...
  2. Step 2: Limit and leverage. ...
  3. Step 3: Automate your minimum payments. ...
  4. Step 4: Yes, you must pay extra and often. ...
  5. Step 5: Evaluate the plan often. ...
  6. Step 6: Ramp-up when you 're ready.

Can I get a government loan to pay off debt? ›

While there are no government debt relief grants, there is free money to pay other bills, which should lead to paying off debt because it frees up funds. The biggest grant the government offers may be housing vouchers for those who qualify. The local housing authority pays the landlord directly.

What's the smartest way to get out of debt? ›

How to get out of debt
  • List out your debt details.
  • Adjust your budget.
  • Try the debt snowball or avalanche method.
  • Submit more than the minimum payment.
  • Cut down interest by making biweekly payments.
  • Attempt to negotiate and settle for less than you owe.
  • Consider consolidating and refinancing your debt.
Mar 18, 2024

What are the 3 C's of credit? ›

The factors that determine your credit score are called The Three C's of Credit – Character, Capital and Capacity.

What are four mistakes to avoid when paying down debt? ›

And by avoiding these common mistakes, you won't feel trapped or make the repayment process more painful than needed.
  • Ignoring Debt Consolidation Options. ...
  • Not Using Balance Transfer Opportunities. ...
  • Forgetting To Budget. ...
  • Not Factoring In Your Interest Rates. ...
  • Shopping Without A Reason. ...
  • Sacrificing Too Much.
Jul 27, 2023

How much debt is considered high? ›

Ideally, financial experts like to see a DTI of no more than 15 to 20 percent of your net income. For example, a family with a $250 car payment and $100 of monthly credit card payments, and $2,500 net income per month would have a DTI of 14 percent ($350/$2,500 = 0.14 or 14%).

How to pay off debt when you live paycheck to paycheck? ›

Tips for Getting Out of Debt When You're Living Paycheck to Paycheck
  1. Tip #1: Don't wait. ...
  2. Tip #2: Pay close attention to your budget. ...
  3. Tip #3: Increase your income. ...
  4. Tip #4: Start an emergency fund – even if it's just pennies. ...
  5. Tip #5: Be patient.

How long will it take to pay off $20,000 in credit card debt? ›

It will take 47 months to pay off $20,000 with payments of $600 per month, assuming the average credit card APR of around 18%. The time it takes to repay a balance depends on how often you make payments, how big your payments are and what the interest rate charged by the lender is.

How to get rid of $40,000 credit card debt? ›

Options For Paying Off Substantial Credit Card Debt. There are a number of strategies to pay off large amounts of credit card debt. They include personal loans, 0% APR balance transfer cards, debt settlement, bankruptcy, credit counseling and debt management plans. You may be able to use more than one of these options.

Is 20k in debt a lot? ›

“That's because the best balance transfer and personal loan terms are reserved for people with strong credit scores. $20,000 is a lot of credit card debt and it sounds like you're having trouble making progress,” says Rossman.

How to wipe credit card debt? ›

Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy could discharge (forgive) all of your credit card debt. However, bankruptcy should only be considered as a last resort option due to the lasting damage it will cause to your credit. Bankruptcy will remain on your credit for up to 10 years after the filing date.

How to get out of debt when you are broke? ›

How to get out of debt when you have no money
  1. Step 1: Stop taking on new debt. ...
  2. Step 2: Determine how much you owe. ...
  3. Step 3: Create a budget. ...
  4. Step 4: Pay off the smallest debts first. ...
  5. Step 5: Start tackling larger debts. ...
  6. Step 6: Look for ways to earn extra money. ...
  7. Step 7: Boost your credit scores.
Dec 5, 2023

How to pay off $6,000 in debt fast? ›

Pay off your debt and save on interest by paying more than the minimum every month. The key is to make extra payments consistently so you can pay off your loan more quickly. Some lenders allow you to make an extra payment each month specifying that each extra payment goes toward the principal.

How to pay off $20k in debt fast? ›

Use a debt consolidation loan

With a debt consolidation loan, you borrow money from a lender and roll all of those debts into one loan with a single interest rate. This allows you to make one monthly payment rather than paying multiple creditors.

How to get out of $10,000 debt fast? ›

7 ways to pay off $10,000 in credit card debt
  1. Opt for debt relief. One powerful approach to managing and reducing your credit card debt is with the help of debt relief companies. ...
  2. Use the snowball or avalanche method. ...
  3. Find ways to increase your income. ...
  4. Cut unnecessary expenses. ...
  5. Seek credit counseling. ...
  6. Use financial windfalls.
Feb 15, 2024

How can I get out of $100 K of debt? ›

Here, experts share their best tips on how to eliminate $100,000 of debt.
  1. Recognize You Have a Big Problem on Your Hands. ...
  2. Make a Plan. ...
  3. List Out All Your Debts. ...
  4. Create a Hard Budget. ...
  5. Focus On Paying Off Debts With the Highest Interest Rates First. ...
  6. Don't Skimp On an Emergency Fund. ...
  7. Get a Personal Loan To Consolidate Debt.
Feb 15, 2024

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.